Report an Issue

Please note that submitting a general "Report an Issue" ticket will result in slower response times than reporting a specific issue. Please use the list of services to see if your specific issue is already in the service catalog. If you want to request a service that is not in the service catalog, click here.


This form can be used to report any issue that is not currently shown in the service catalog.

Note: Before you submit, please review the service catalog to see if your specific issue is already in the service catalog by clicking here.

Who can submit this request?

  • Any City of Buffalo employee

How we process your request

Typical resolution time:

3-5 business days


After you submit your request, MIS will:

  • Review the request
  • Determine the appropriate IT group to assign the task to
  • Re-categorize the ticket, as necessary, for expedited processing

Note: General "Report an Issue" tickets typically take more time to process as they are not automatically routed to the appropriate IT group.

Before you submit a ticket, you will need to:

  • Gather all pertinent information about your request
  • Verify that your request is not currently part of the service catalog

Related Services

General Service Request

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