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    Services or Offerings?
    Add or remove recipient of 311 report subscription or request a new 311 report

    Add or modify a business configuration or case in the 311 software system

    Request a new dataset be added to the City's open data portal

    Request new content or assistance in modifying existing pages on the City of Buffalo, BPD, and BMHA websites, or the City's intranet

    Request assistance with the Birth ID Card PC in the City Clerk's office.

    Request installation of Cisco Jabber

    Request a new Cisco Jabber user account

    Request access to cloud-based file sharing websites for legitimate governmental purposes

    Configure an existing phone or corporate directory listing for a user (current employee)

    Create an online form on the City's website

    Request to dispose of old network printers

    Request changes to Dynamic Portal website

    Request an increase in the size of your email's inbox

    Request employee payroll information

    Enable or disable access to a shared network drive.