Use this form to request a new dataset be added to the City's open data portal, Open Data Buffalo (data.buffalony.gov).
Who can submit this request?
- Any City of Buffalo employee
How we process your request
Typical resolution time:
20 business days
After you submit your request, MIS will:
- Review the request
- Notify Law Department (if source database contains sensitive or personal information)
- Notify the owning department's data liaison
- Create a SQL query to extract the data from the source database
- Schedule a data review meeting with all relevant parties
- Make modifications to SQL query based on meeting notes (if necessary)
- Geocode (if needed), automate (if needed), and upload data to the open data portal
- Conduct a data quality review to ensure data has uploaded successfully to the portal
- Schedule a data/metadata review meeting with owning department's data liaison (and any other relevant stakeholders)
- Publish the data on the open data portal, making it publicly available for anyone with access to the internet
Before you submit a ticket, you will need to:
- Provide a detailed description of the dataset you want added to the open data portal
- Determine if the data has protected or sensitive information
- Determine which department owns the data
- Identify the data source
- Attach any spreadsheets, reports, PDFs, etc., if available, to help provide context about what data you are looking for to be published to the open data portal.
Note: Open datasets can still be created from raw data that may have protected or sensitive information.
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