Request access to cloud-based file sharing websites for legitimate governmental purposes
Enable or disable access to a shared network drive.
Add, modify, or remove permissions for timekeepers and supervisor permissions for the ExecuTime and TimeKeeper time and attendance systems
Request a change to the Hansen/IPS system
Add, modify, or remove permissions in MUNIS
Request a name change to your network ID/username
Remove employee access to the City's network and software programs
Request to onboard a new employee or an existing employee that requires a network account (create a network account, grant access to applications, provide hardware)
Request a password reset for all of the various software systems utilized by the City of Buffalo
Request to connect a printer to an existing PC or laptop
Request remote desktop access
Report a Virtual Private Network (VPN) issue
Request access to social media websites for legitimate governmental purposes
Request access to streaming media websites for legitimate governmental purposes
Request to take your work PC home
Request to onboard a transferring employee (create a network account, grant access to applications, provide hardware)
Request VPN be enabled on your home PC or laptop